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Last updated on January 7th, 2025 at 03:48 pm
Bernie is what you might call a typical OSA sufferer – somebody aware of a problem with their sleep but whose condition – on the surface – affected their partner more than themselves. Here, Bernie explains how he began treatment for his OSA and the benefits it has brought him and his partner.
Bernie’s Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Story
“I had been to my GP several times with symptoms of Sleep Apnoea. I had gained a little weight over the previous year or so (although I’m far from being obese), and my symptoms had worsened. After increasing concerns from my wife, I recorded a video which shows episode after episode of breathing cessation for what seems like up to 40 seconds with explosive snorting/coughing/snoring noises as I clearly gasp for breath before the cycle repeats.
Armed with this evidence, I visited my GP again and showed him the video. “That is Sleep Apnoea; you’re going to need a CPAP machine; I’ll refer you to a clinic immediately”.
A Finger Pulse Oximetry Test is the first step for those who think they have OSA. “I decided to go directly to Intus Healthcare to find out more about OSA and what my options were to speed up the process.
My symptoms were all there – feeling tired all the time, loud snoring (to put it mildly, my wife would no doubt say) – and so it was suggested that I could take an at-home sleep study using a pulse oximeter to monitor my sleep and pick up on any apnoeas. That I could get my results and start getting therapy within a fortnight was very appealing.

Home Sleep Apnoea Test
The test monitors your heart rate, snoring intensity, blood oxygen levels, body positioning, and more, providing accuracy comparable to testing used in sleep clinics for in-depth sleep analysis.
The simple-to-use test takes just one night to complete, and results are returned within two working days after completion.
Our experienced NHS-qualified sleep professionals independently analyse all studies, providing follow-up advice and support.
“In the meantime, I received a letter from the NHS sleep clinic saying that in due course, I would receive an appointment and that the appointment notification would give around 2 weeks’ notice of the date. In other words, I could wait one year for an appointment to be made, but the appointment will be two weeks after that time.
So I had no idea how long it would take to get my first appointment, and I have to bear in mind that inevitably, the first appointment will only comprise of a session where I get asked questions before being referred to wait again for the next stage.
“I studied Obstructive Sleep Apnoea on the web reading many excellent scientific papers and reading many unscientific but at times very illuminating forums. If you dip into a forum and take away a few comments, you could be getting very erroneous information, but I find that if you delve deeply and read lots, you can usually find where there is a consensus and develop a baseline of accurate information, especially when coupled with scientific papers.
“I was not prepared to wait”
“So, bearing in mind the known impact of Sleep Apnoea on cardiovascular problems, which are particularly relevant to me as an insulin-dependent diabetic, I was not prepared to wait around for an appointment that was on offer at some unspecified time in the future. To speed up the process, I took up the option of doing a private, at-home sleep study with Intus Healthcare.
With OSA duly confirmed, I purchased an Auto CPAP machine. Within a fortnight of arranging the study, I could begin getting the therapy I had long sought.
“The first overnight use of the machine resulted in no snoring, and curiously for a mouth-breather, most of the time spent breathing through the nose. After 4 hours, however, the nose became stuffy, and following instructions not to use the machine with a blocked nose, I discontinued its use. It was pretty uncomfortable as a result, anyway. But the next day, my wife said that up until that point, she’d never seen me so relaxed in my sleep.
“Before using CPAP by AHI/ODI was an alarming 75. Within the first few days, this dropped dramatically to 15 – although that number in itself is still quite high. However, I wasn’t expecting CPAP to improve my condition by 80% that quickly.
After a few weeks of really getting used to the therapy, my OSA was completely under control, and I was sleeping better than I had done in years. My wife was probably even more pleased with the results than I was! Incidentally, before using CPAP, when I asked her if I could be heard in the next room, she suggested that the next house was a better description but was reluctant to put such a flippant comment on the form!
CPAP machines are the most effective and popular option for those with OSA
“I have no regrets over going privately”
“I have no regrets about forging ahead and finding a solution privately, and I would do the same again. It’s fairly obvious that without any data, the first appointment would comprise answering an Epworth questionnaire and being told that they’ll investigate further. No doubt, several more months away. Even if they get a move on, the peace of mind that I’ve enjoyed by treating the condition early has been priceless.
“For the price of a few nights on one of my business trips, I’ve had better sleep and more peace of mind. If you want to understand what is happening to you while you sleep, do what I did and set up a video camera overnight, but only do so if you’re prepared to be horrified and deal with the stress of seeing what is happening to them.
With hindsight, I could have missed the video recording and just ordered an oximetry study. It’s probably less stressful and certainly more informative. However, I’m just grateful that I am now receiving the therapy that allows me and my wife to get on with our lives and gives me the peace of mind that OSA is now a lot less likely to cause me serious long-term problems”.
As a customer of Intus, Bernie now has access to rapid data reporting as and when he chooses. Whether he suspects something is up or just to confirm everything is still going swimmingly, he can send in his data card, and we can then run a report, keeping him up to date with his therapy.
He can also pass this on to his GP to ensure they are kept informed. This service is crucial to our commitment to ensuring all of our customers get the maximum out of their therapy – every night.
Think you could have Sleep Apnoea?
If you snore, choke in your sleep or suffer from daytime fatigue, you could have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). Our home sleep test is a quick and easy way to diagnose the condition from the comfort of your home.
Results are returned quickly, and if OSA is diagnosed, our sleep clinicians will recommend the most suitable treatment for your symptoms. From CPAP therapy, Mandibular Advancement Devices to Positional Therapy, we offer a variety of treatments and management support to help you regain quality sleep.
About Our Editorial Team
Danni is a degree-educated content writer passionate about helping those with Sleep Apnoea sleep better; she works closely with our clinical and customer care teams to ensure that each article is thoroughly researched and accurate.
Her writing aims to inform, support, and advise readers about Sleep Apnoea, helping to raise awareness and promote effective treatment options.
She has written many health-focused articles, reaching hundreds of readers annually, to help people sleep better and live healthier lives.
Lateisha King is an experienced Sleep Clinician with advanced training in polysomnography and respiratory health.
With over six years of experience, including at the prestigious Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Hospital, she has conducted and reviewed more than 500 diagnostic sleep studies.
Her expertise in sleep science ensures that all articles align with the latest data and treatment protocols, providing readers with trustworthy and practical advice to improve their sleep health and overall well-being.